- Locally we had a good week; trees are starting to blossom and the kids were out after dinner last night skateboarding and roller skating. And the first lawn mowing of the year is in the books.
- Am recovering today from getting a filling. According to my dentist it is a good news ~ bad news situation; the good news is that the nerve looks healthy; bad news she knows this because she could see the nerve. Prayers appreciated that the nerve stays healthy and I can avoid a root canal.
- Looks like my Boy prediction for the Duchess of Cambridge held; and I think the name is a nice mix of traditional and non-traditional.
- I find the Duchess to be such a wonderful example of truth in pregnancy; when she is sick she doesn't hide it and therefore shining an important light on Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Conversely she shows how very normal and straightforward birth can be. For many years I worked at a Birth Center where barring complications mom & baby were discharged at 12 hours post-delivery and most left at 6-8 hours postpartum. Though full disclosure most were not wearing heels; full props to her for that!
- Lost another touchpoint from my youth, though before this week I would not have known his name. Like many in my generation I grew up singing the songs of Schoolhouse Rock and am now introducing my kids to them. Thank you Bob Dorough!
- Lucky find of the week; Snowdrift! Georgette Heyer is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. I have some long books coming up in my TBR which I am excited about, but am also thinking an occasional short story may be just what is needed.
- Have a good weekend and please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Quick Takes #259: Spring flowers and toothaches
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Daybook Late April '18
Excited For: Spring to settle in; for open windows and being outside. It stayed cold throughout March and into April so everything is blooming a bit late. Daffodils are about done but the lily of the valley are still small green sprouts and neither the plum or dogwood in my yard have bloomed yet.
Wearing: Windbreakers and on occasion short sleeves. Rain boots and on occasion flip-flops. Winter coats are not yet put away but I'm thinking soon.
Heather and phlox! Recently bought a forsythia and have to decide where to plant as my first idea is not going to work. Have in the past planted tomatoes and basil; and am thinking about
what else we might plant this summer.
Reading: The Canticle of the Soul by St John of the Cross which I am finding edifying if a bit ponderous. Next up in the queue Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.
Watching: Timeless, Blindspot, Good Bones, Call the Midwife and for a bit of late night fun Hogan's Heros.
Elisabeth is meeting the challenges of the increase workload 4th grade brings with her usual intensity but actually is doing really well. She continues to have an amazing imagination and a real knack at making things come to life through legos or in Minecraft. Art and Math are her favorite school subjects.
Liam after a few minor bumps has settled well into the 1st grade; consonant blends are bit of a struggle with his hearing loss but with the help of a reading specialist Liam is becoming more and more of an independent reader; favorite series being Elephant and Piggie. Pokemon and all things ninja are still tops in his world. Always a great eater; he is currently with the help of his sisters eating through a big box of Lucky Charms every week!

Caitlin is loving Pre-K and doing really well; making friends and writing her letters. She loves being read to; and I'm so excited to watch over the next year as she begins to learn to read herself. Wonderful imagination; she loves role playing games like restaurant, school, and farm. She still loves to watch Max & Ruby and Shimmer & Shine.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Quick Takes #258: Where Art Thou O Spring?
- I must start by stating last weekend was glorious; warm breezes, bright sun! Perfect porch reading weather. And despite how much I reminded myself that it wasn't going to last; that it is not suppose to be in the 70's in April, the return to the rainy 40's has been bumpy. What has a girl gotta do to get some sun and 60's?
- The other thing making last weekend so much fun was a visit from my mom. Winter weather and house issues had kept postponing her visit since New Year so we all really enjoyed having her here for the weekend. Dr Daddy cooked delicious food and ran point on the kids giving us time to catch-up.
- Other excitement: Caitlin lost her first tooth becoming the earliest to such a milestone by several months over her siblings. Great excitement ensued and the Tooth Fairy made a visit!
- Great mail week; Ponder, and One Beautiful Dream arrived!! I'm currently reading Spiritual Canticle of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross; and having recently finished The Interior Castle by Saint Theresa of Avila has left me wondering if the writing feels so similar because they were friends or if that was simply the approach to spiritual writing at the time.
- Was sorry to learn of the death of Former First Lady Barbara Bush; though by all accounts it was peaceful and after a very long life. I'm of a generation to remember her wonderful example of compassion in her insistence that children battling AIDS (and indeed everyone battling that awful disease) needed to be touched and held.
- Royal Baby Watch: I'm thinking Boy but otherwise just very excited to see who is joining the Cambridge household and when.
- Dr Daddy is unfortunately working but am otherwise hoping for a good weekend. Whatever yours holds; have a good one!
Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's
friday's quick take,
Friday, April 6, 2018
Quick Takes #257 Happy Easter and April!!
- Hi ~ Happy April! Happy Easter!!
- How was your Lent? Mine was good overall; I really enjoyed the Take Up and Read devotional and felt it helped me dig deep this Lent and revealed areas of ongoing items for my prayer life. I finished the two books I had planned to read and started a third. I also managed not to 'cheat' on my commitment to not read fiction except on Sunday (and than only my sister's latest). What did not go as well was almsgiving; we participated in different opportunities the kids school offered but I'm left feeling that aspect was a bit lacking.
- Having finished my sister's book Fix My Fall earlier this week I then spent a couple of days like a kid in a candy store trying to decide what to read next; reread a favorite or try something new?? I've decided to split the difference and am reading a story I've never read by a favorite author.
- Tridium went well with me attending with the kids Mass of the Lord's Supper, Good Friday Service and Mass Easter morning. Mass Thursday evening was late for the kids but I loved being able to hear the Panga Linga sung again by Dr Daddy and the rest of wonderful choir he sings with as well as introducing the kids to the custom of Eucharistic Procession and Adoration.
- Easter morning was wonderful as the kids explored and enjoyed what the Easter Bunny left in their baskets and we attended Mass together as a family before digging in for the last minute preparation for Easter Dinner where we host the Tridium choir Dr Daddy sings with. Dr Daddy's annual colcannon was delicious and the dessert table groaning as a friend now living in MD made the trip and brought with her her amazing butter creams.
- April is locally off to a gray and rainy start but with enough sunshine to convince my daffodils to bloom and forsythia to blossom. Yes there is snow in the forecast but as Mr Carson often said "We must always travel in Hope."
- Have a wonderful weekend and please head to Kelly's for more 7QTs!
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friday's quick take
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