Hi! Long time no post! Didn't mean to drop off the blogging map; and while I'm discerning whether I'm done or not I thought I would post a few catch-up posts. I know I've missed the last official link-up for 7 Quick Takes, I do want to use this format at least once more.
- It was all things considered a good summer with good weather and enough of local activities open and available to have some fun. The most important being the local community pool. Caitlin took few weeks of swim lessons at the end of which passed her deep water test.
- We opted for virtual summer camps, but everyone seemed to really enjoy them. Caitlin learned how to make emojis, Liam learned scratch & some spy cyphers, and Elisabeth gained some experience in different digital art programs.
- The kids and I were able to make a trip down to VA to visit with my mom, my sisters, and their VA cousins. Getting to see my youngest sister and her family's new house, and getting to join in on Bonne Mamy's traditional end of school year lunch for her grandchildren were the highlights.
- In August we headed up to Maine for our usual vacation with Dr Dad's side of the family. This year we were able to celebrate our nephew's high school graduation and other milestones missed while we were being good and keeping distant. The weather largely behaved allowing for several trips to our favorite ice cream place and good boogie boarding.
- In September the kids headed back to in-person school still wearing masks but again using the cafeteria for lunch. Elisabeth excited for her last year at St.Dorothy. Liam excited to be on the top floor; and Caitlin excited to have her best friend in her class.
- It was a busy, fun fall with both Liam and Caitlin playing soccer. Juggling practices and games on different fields was an adventure. Meanwhile Lisbeth was applying to high schools. She did amazing on her entrance exams and got offers from several local schools, ultimately deciding to attend a Catholic girl's school.
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