- Today is in the 50's and very spring-like which is nice ~ though Monday into Tuesday we had snow. I'm actually enjoying watching the seasons change ~ it is nice to begin to anticipate spring without being completely over winter.
- However it was in sense a very ill timed snowstorm as the last part of our roof repair was scheduled for Tuesday morning ~ quote our contractor "If we didn't have bad luck we would have no luck". Hoping for better luck in March!
- New favorite game of the Toddler, borrowing Dr.Dad's stethoscope and making us all take deep breaths as she listens to our hearts, back, arm, nose.
- Praying for the victims of the earthquake in New Zealand.
- Have largely sorted out my plans for Lent ~ book, and discipline, though still discerning options and ideas for almsgiving.
- Project Toddler Room off to a good start; the room is 80% cleared out, next step select bedding and coordinating paint color and pick up the bed.
- Plans for the weekend: Family birthdays!!
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this weeks Quick Takes.
Happy Weekend!!