Friday, April 29, 2016

Quick Takes #206: Spring 2016

Please bear with me as I share a bit of what is growing around here

  1. Spring has finally fully landed; after such crazy weather in March we have consistently now had  the type of weather which convinces blossoms to unfurl and flowers to show their colorful faces.
  2. Exhibit A:
     3. Exhibit B: The Dogwood by the driveway
     4. Exhibit C: The Cherry Tree in the front yard
     5: Exhibit D: The Lilies of the Valley growing in the backyard
     6. Of course no spring around here would be complete without a trip to Longwood Garden
     7. Happy Weekend from the painter and me!

    Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's

Friday, April 22, 2016

Quick Takes #205: Playing a bit of catch-up

  1. Happy April! Sorry to go quiet ~ happy to play a bit of catch-up.
  2. Currently Caitie is calling Dr Daddy 'Papa' ~ neither of us know why but it is so cute!
  3. Elisabeth received her first Holy Communion last weekend and with the exception of a couple hiccups it was wonderful; both her grandmothers were able to come as well as both her Godparents ~ all of whom had to travel from out of state.  I hope she will carry with her good memories of both the Mass and the party afterwards; I know I will.
  4. Some of the tops were seeing her wear my dress and veil, watching her excitement at her first pair of heels, having our house fill with people excited to celebrate with us, and seeing Liam having so much fun getting the 7 month old twins of friends to smile.
  5. I'm really ready for the weather to pick a season; the weeds are going crazy but so far just one tulip. I've bought some annuals to plant and then it decided to be freezing at night again so I'm doing the whole bring them in every night dance wondering when I can safely actually plant them.
  6. One of the bright spots amongst the chaos is watching the kids in their own way take hold of reading. Lisbeth is now starting to explore chapter books; Liam is showing interest in first readers and Caitlin loves to be read to and will ask for book after book.  Awhile back I hosted a Usborne  book party ~ and when the books I earned arrived the kids treated it as such a box of treasures.
  7. Speaking of plants again; we are planning on planting tomatoes again and friends are giving us red pepper plants.  Any other suggestions for novice gardeners?
Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QTs

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Open Book April 2016

Linking up and sharing some of my most current reads:

Heroine's Bookshelf: Was an interesting read where the author Erin Blakemore highlighted a character trait and the heroine she associated with that trait and how the books author also examplified the trait.  I learned so many interesting things and was reminded of some of my favorite reads growing-up.  And thanks to the literary sister section know where to look when looking for a new heroine like the ones I love best. A great light (but not fluffy) read if you like books about books.

Why Now? is my sister's latest and I'm not even going to try and be impartial but I'm liking it and if you are looking for a different take on the love triangle plotline take a look.

Now please head over to Carolyn's for more Open Book!