Friday, January 27, 2017

Quick Takes #223 Favorite Links & Sandwiches

  1. Life this week was better as it did not involve a stomach bug and even included a bit of sunshine and perhaps not as much sleep as I would hope but it is good to have something to strive for.
  2. Praying a family rosary is a goal of mine and am hoping armed with the tips from this wonderful post on Peanut Butter and Grace I'm that much closer to making it happen on a regular basis.
  3. Introduced my kids to Fluffernutters (peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich) this week and was enough of a hit to be a lunch request.  Personally I prefer peanut butter & nutella but figured trying a Fluffernutter is a rite of childhood.
  4. March for Life is happening today which is a good thing and will hopefully get more media coverage which is a great thing.  My prayer is that the coming years will find more support for the unborn without that meaning less for refugees, the disabled and the poor.
  5. Which is a hope and prayer so much better articulated by Cammie of Beyond Pearls here.
  6. Was so sorry to hear of the death of Mary Tyler Moore (may she rest in peace); The Dick Van Dyke Show and the Mary Tyler Moore Show were wonderful shows and big part of my childhood; and her advocacy of Type 1 Diabetes research was amazing.
  7. Have a  wonderful weekend!
Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Quick Takes #222: Successes and the sickies

  1. Prayers for our nation and its new president this Inauguration Day; prayers for the marchers this weekend.
  2. Last weekend started with Caitie's Shimmer & Shine gymnastics party during which all had a lot of fun ~ unfortunately by Monday we were all one by one hit by a stomach bug.
  3. And I again give thanks that when my kids are sick they don't tend to whine and are not impossible to console. Being sick simultaneously with both girls was definitely lousy but we have hopefully now survived our bug for the winter and can look forward to healthier days ahead.
  4. Favorite Post of Late
  5. Having finally decided to get Netflix in order to watch the new episodes of Gilmore Girls we are now watching The Crown. We have only so far watched 2 of the ten episodes of Season 1 but are enjoying it so far.
  6. Finished The Life You Save this week and while I really enjoyed it and learn so much about these four amazing people ~ it was dense and I'm looking forward to reading slightly lighter stuff for a bit.
  7. Attending a birthday party; Liam's Kindergarten Mass and doing a bit of Pre_Cana counseling this weekend while hoping for a bit of sunshine and a chance to air out the house.  Whatever the weekend holds for you ~ have a good one!!
Happy Birthday Girl!

Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Caitlin at 4

   A pretty perfect fit for our family right from the start.
And as you've grown you have continued to be happy to join in with whatever craziness your brother and sister have planned.  You happily take the lead when the big's are at school but share well when everyone is home. Provided they asked you first  ~ you have no problem shouting the house down if a toy snatched from you.
You have a  wonderful imagination and are forever making up games for us to play, or telling me stories or singing songs of your own creation. You are quick to see and learn patterns and are becoming very interested in different languages often asking me how something is said in French or Spanish.  You are still a bit too interested in drawing on the walls, but no-one is perfect!!
You love chocolate milk, cookies, yogurt and cheese. Not too fond of eating breakfast, bananas, and most warm vegetables aside from peas and corn. Mostly you wish cold cucumbers and tomatoes were on the menu everyday.  And olives ~ much  to your Daddy's delight!  You still call us Mama and Papa when being snuggly and are quick with hugs and kisses.

Happy Birthday Caitlin!! 
You're the Best!!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Quick Takes #220 Christmas memories and looking forward

  1. Happy New Year! Happy Epiphany!! Hope you all had a good Christmas. 
  2. We did ~ after getting a later start than we had hoped we made the trip north in a great for us 8 hours. Kids only requiring 1 longish stop and 1 quick one plus amazingly little traffic allowed us to keep moving and get to Maine in good order and early enough to get all of us a decent night sleep ahead of Christmas Eve.
  3. All in all a great week with a lot time catching up with family, quality cousin time, the chance for an afternoon out to celebrate our anniversary and a 6in snow fall which made for some excellent sledding in G-ma's back yard.
  4. New Years Eve we enjoyed the traditional fondue dinner which went so much better than I had envisioned when Dr Daddy suggested letting the kids cook their own meat. When we went to wake Lisbeth and Liam at midnight they both declined to come down but had no memory in the morning which made for annoyed kids ~ next year we will tried harder to wake them.
  5. Am once again doing the MMD book challenge; this year she is offering two tracks and while I will be focusing on the fun track will depending on how the year goes try and tackle a few of the stretch category's.
  6. I hit my admittedly minimal goal of 50 posts last year; and am (I think) finding my way forward. I still care too much about comments or not but I imagine trusting and resting in my value as a child of God is the work of a lifetime.  Onward!!
  7. Along with the ongoing process of putting the house back in order, after the holidays and time away, this weekend we will also be celebrating Caitlin's 4th birthday. Her party is not for a week but we most definitely mark the day with balloons and cupcakes.

Please head to Kelly's for more 7QT's