- Crazily enough tomorrow is the last day of June. With the last day of school for the bigs being June 15th the month has been a fun blur of finals, end-of-year activities and summer kick-off.
- We joined a local community pool and have actually gotten a fair amount of pool time in already. Lisbeth has past her deep water test and Caitlin is exploring how much she can swim with and without her swim-vest. All of the kids have started lessons; and are for the most part enjoying them. (Current instructor will not let Lisbeth use nose plug which has had a definite dampening effect for her.)
- The other great excitement of the month was a visit from Lisbeth's twin cousin. The girls played a lot of Minecraft and we were blessed with pool friendly weather. One morning we played tourist and visited the Liberty Bell. Tough to see her go but luckily we have another visit to look forward to in August.
- We started working through some of the Summer work assigned by the school and so far very little grumbling and everyone excited to show off their math skills. Just starting to dig into the reading portion but am very pleased with their work ethic so far.
- As we hit the halfway point in the year I've completed 9 categories on the MMD reading challenge and including the book I'm currently reading 4 of the Catholic Reading Challenge. Of course for every book I manage to get off the TBR list I add 3!
- Have already harvested a couple of tomatoes but something (!!!) is getting our strawberries before we can! Local farm stand is also starting to fill their bins.
- Prayers for the Maryland Capital Gazette workers and families!!

Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QT's!