Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Liam at 10

   This weekend we celebrated Liam with Perkins take-out and a Black Forest Cake. The theme he chose for his birthday banner and balloon was Harry Potter.  His teacher last year read the class the first book, and Liam is interested in reading the next book in the series.

  • He is still very much into the Pokemon universe and the strengths and weakness of many Pokemon ~ and has great patience with his mom who is not quite as knowledgable and therefore falls quickly behind in discussions of creating elite teams.
  • Funny ~ having learned much in the last year about punning and what makes a good pun.  He enjoys laughing and making others laugh.
  • Has a great circle of friends from school, soccer, and Cub Scouts which he can be very zany with; and then disappears into his room for some intense quiet time like a true introvert.
  • Favorite food includes Bangers & Mash (sausage and mash potatoes), Shepard's Pie, ice cream, and fried eggs. He continues to be my best eater; though he is also the child to most worry about any stomach upset.
  • Favorite subject in school is History or Science; he likes learning about people and how to make things work. Much more confident in reading and happy to be asked to read aloud.
  • Currently wants to be a Carpenter.  Specifically a cabinet maker; opening a furniture shop with a friend. 
  • Happy to be back in in-building school, he overall did well with all the upheaval with 'sheltering in place' and virtual learning. Already a bit of a germaphobe; he quickly adjusted to all the extra cleaning we started last spring.
  • Affectionate, he checks in throughout the day and asks how my day is going; and recently requested a bedtime tradition with me because while Dad is still the tops ~ he wanted some Mom time at bedtime.

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