Friday, April 20, 2012

Quick Takes #105

  1. Preview of summer this week, sundresses, popsicles on the front step, cutting the grass, watering and worrying about new little plants.
  2. Memories to cherish of a growing, maturing 4 year old: Welcoming guests to our Easter Feast! Pedaling away on her new bike!  Turning off without prompting a show she is not to watch.
  3. We have been discouraging E. from taking her 'pony-cow' out on too many adventures in the hope of prolonging the lovey's lifespan.  So she decided that L's lamb should definitely come to this week's check-up for them both.  He did in fact prove to be an adequate snuggle friend during shots!
  4. Time Magazine released its current '100 influential people' including Jeremy Lin, Cardinal Dolan and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Princess Kate).  A mix of those who I recognize and those I don't; it is an opportunity to catch up on current events ~ at least from one perspective.
  5. While completing a"100 places to visit before you die" survey on FB I was reminded that I really need to visit Gettysburg someday (about 3 hrs from where I live).  Much closer is Valley Forge (not on the list), where I have been but not in a while; so yesterday while E. enjoyed an extended school-day, little boy L. and I paid a visit.
  6. Favorite post of the week "NFP: Catholic Birth Control" by Sarah of Fumbling towards Grace. An excellent post exposing the linguistical landmine and disconnect that often exist between Catholics and Non-Catholics in discussing family planning, birth control and contraception.
  7. My iPhone died yesterday, hoping a 'genius' can fix it tomorrow.  However I don't miss it sufficient to attempt an Apple store with two kids today when waiting one day will reduce the kids in tow by 50-100%.
Please visit Conversion Diary hosted by Jen to enjoy the rest of this week's Quick Takes!


  1. I have never been to Valley Forge or Gettysburg, but they are both places that I would like to visit.

  2. I'm loving that Cardinal Dolan made Time's list!

    I'm so ready for summer...and yet somehow there is snow in our forecast for Monday night :(.

  3. I'm really delighted about Cardinal Dolan! I've been following events in USA closely here in Ireland (where we have our own set of problems, who doesn't I guess!) I went through the list & like you I don't recognise half those on it but duly voted against those whose culture of death policies are nothing short of perfidious! Cardinal D really is a TITAN!! And so likeable!!
