Thursday, January 2, 2020

2019 in 12 photos

Linking up with Bobbi of Revolution of Love and sharing a photo review of the year!

In January she turned 6!

In March Elisabeth performed with the Children's Choir

In April the blossoms filled our lawn!

In May Liam received his First Holy Communion!
In June I had the amazing opportunity to visit Ireland with my sister ;

and then visited England as her book assistant.

In July we visited Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.

In August as part of a cruise we revisited Prince Edwards Island; 

allowing me to see Montgomery's inspiration for Green Gables.

A rock climbing party for our new 9 year old.

Hayriding and apple picking in the fall.

Everyone did an amazing job in the Christmas Tableau!


  1. I have a "petal picture" of my youngest! Great pictures and beautiful family.

  2. Such a fun year review and amazing travels- I esp. love the petal picture!
