Friday, June 19, 2020

Quick Takes #290: Mid-June Check-in

  1. Hi ~  we made it to Friday. In my case a sunny morning ~ storms predicted for afternoon Friday but still a chance to put down a few thoughts. Here we are slowly resuming to going places; wearing a mask and with a lot of crowd control but expanding the bubble none the less.
  2. Our community pool has opened and we have been a couple of times. The older two quickly passed their deep water test and Caitlin re-found her 'doggie paddle.  One of the adjustments for this year is that the pool is not offering lessons so it looks like it will be up to Dr Dad and me to help Caitlin organize her movements into an actual stroke.  So good to actually see people (at a respectful distance) and watch my kids play with some of the friends they are been missing.
  3. One upside of the otherwise bummer of no camp is that there is a lot of options of when to do the summer work assigned in a day. After a well deserved break from school work; we are now back at it but at a more leisurely pace.  
  4. In the category of 'better late than never' I finally got a couple of tomato plants in the ground, as well as some basil and trying for the first time this year summer squash.  As always we already have a bumper crop of mint, but I am hopefully that with a steady weeding the others plants might have their chance.
  5. Nice weather and a still mostly empty calendar has allowed me to keep reading at a wonderful pace. Currently reading this and these titles coming up next.  I had in January set the Goodread challenge of reading 40 books this year; however in the craziness that is this year I'm likely to hit that goal next month!!
  6. Another treat that June has brought is the return of HGTV's Good Bones.  While their design direction is often different from mine, I love the mother-daughter dynamic!  The show also really makes me want to go to Indianapolis; which I haven't thought a lot about since I was a kid watch One Day at a Time.
  7. Wishing everyone a good weekend ~ and the dads out in blogland Happy Father's Day!!
Please head over to Kelly's for more 7QTs!

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