Wednesday, May 28, 2014

WWRW: Surprised by Motherhood

Surprised by Motherhood by Lisa Jo Baker

   This week is again brought to you by a wonderful memoir written by an author whose blog I have followed and enjoyed for many years.  Where Lisa Jo specializes in pep talks and supportive pats on the back on her blog; Surprised by Motherhood reads like a wonderful weekend retreat where she shares how her life in South Africa and losing her mother at young age lead her away from motherhood, and how a boy from Wisconsin and life in the Ukraine led her back.

   This is a lovely read that at first feels very light and easy but I found her thoughts about family life, faith, mothering, and how we are parented effecting how we parented stayed with me throughout the day and even after I'd finished the book.  She writes of 'life in the trenches' of mothering three littles in a way that you find yourself smiling, nodding and suddenly feeling from one trench to another someone so gets it.  Thanks I needed that.

Please head over to Housewifespice for more WWRW hosted by Jessica

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Lisa-Jo, but this book sounds fascinating. I sometimes wonder how many of my parenting choices were freely made and how many were simply reactions to the way I was parented. Thanks for linking up!
