- Happy Autumn! I don't really have a favorite season, as each has aspects I really enjoy. But if really pressed Autumn might top the list. Am happily burning a apple & spice tart in my tart burner.
- Finished "The Shack" and really enjoyed. Current copy was borrowed from a family member but am thinking I will pick up a copy for myself as I would like my husband's take on it...and think it is the type of book you could occasionly pick-up and read a few pages at a time.
- Updated version of peek-a-boo in our house: Elisabeth goes into our closet and then peeks her head out and shouts "I see you!"
- Speaking of my favorite toddler; Decided to climb out of her crib this weekend, we her parents hoping to delay this level of independence a bit longer bought a crib tent which she so far finds quite fun and funny, crisis averted
- Had the opportunity to go to Adoration yesterday; Lovely, hello old friend time. Time of prayer and silence, quiet and reflection, speaking and listening.
- My cousin had her little girl this week, new niece safely arrived on my dad's birthday. Nice symmetry that as he was her godfather and I sure would have been thrilled to share his birthday with his god-daughters daughter.
- One of my dad's native verbage of New England he never lost even after years in Virginia was 'frappe', being from Rhode Island the term 'milkshake' meant a completely different drink.
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