Friday, August 31, 2012

Quick Takes #112 : Summer Wrap-up

  1. Lisbeth enjoyed her first experience with VBS and Tot Lot and both seemed to me a great value for the cost. Especially Tot Lot which included field trips ~ she attended three performances of Summer Stage at a local HS, and could have also gone bowling, to a bounce house and fruit picking.
  2. The Climbing wall/Slide we purchased for the backyard got good use both with and without a pool to splash into.
  3. Enjoyed hosting several pizza parties at our house to enjoy the Olympics with friends, and introducing Lisbeth to several new sports including diving, soccer, and gymnastics.
  4. Fully mobile and fearless Liam definitely put a new spin of playground time as he was more apt to attempt the big slide than his sister ~ and I got to try and keep track as they of course ran in opposite directions.
  5. And while on vacation: swimming lessons really paid off as I got to watch her dog-paddle her way around the pool on vacation, first using her 'turtle shell' and by the end of the week just some water-wings. (Camera cord still MIA ~ will post vacation pics as soon as it is located).
  6. Excellent ice cream enjoyed by all and BONUS: given my 'delicate' condition I was twice given a pickle for free to enjoy along with my ice cream!
  7. Went to an old seaside amusement park where not only did Lisbeth enjoy some rides but so did Liam (watching Lisbeth on a ride it occurred to us that Liam made the height requirement) ~ they both had a blast, and did their parents!  Followed by some yummy pizza and a dash back to the car before the thunderstorm hit.
Wishing all a happy Labor Day Weekend!

Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this week's Quick Takes!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 22 weeks

(excuse the dusty mirror please)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday: August 23rd

  1. A wonderful week away with family!
  2. Safe travel there and back.
  3. The great fun the kids had playing with their cousins.
  4. A chance to see the sea!
  5. Yummy food, including fresh seafood and 'Deck Deals'.

What are you giving thanks for today?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Quick Takes #111 ~ 20 week edition

1. Am somewhat surprised to have hit the halfway point with this pregnancy. I realize I didn't know about it for the first four weeks but still!

2. Going public later than before mostly out of a desire to tell family in person and vacation not happening till August.

3. Very curious if those around me didn't mention anything out of politeness, cause I was not showing nearly as much as I thought I was, or their first, best guess was mid-age spread??

4. Lisbeth's first reaction to the idea of a new baby was "No thank you, I like my old baby (i.e. Liam)". We reassured her that we would be keeping him and adding to our family.

5. Feeling movements for the last couple weeks, hoping they will soon be discernible from the outside.

6. Going Team Green (waiting for the birth to find out the sex) again which our families are resigned to since we have put them through a similar 'tortious' wait the previous two times.

7. Very happy and excited to see what the next twenty weeks have in store!

For the rest of this weeks Quick Takes please visit Conversion Diary hosted by Jen!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, August 10, 2012

Quick Takes #110

  1. A recent trip to celebrate a family birthday went well, much traffic on the way south but my little travelers did well.  Though the trip may have included Lisbeth's first experience of homesickness with her saying at bedtime that the bedroom at Bonne Mamy's was too different from her room at home.
  2. The other low point ~ Liam's new molars were really giving him a hard time, which he shared with me during a couple of rough nights.
  3. Really enjoying the Olympics, especially the gymnastics.  As a former gymnast I really enjoy watching the sport ~ though I wish the IFOG  was not so determined to break ties.  Given you are being scored to a hundredth of a percent perhaps ties could stand.
  4. Between the extreme heat and the squirrels ~ not so many tomatoes harvested by us this year.
  5. Luckily the local farmers market is having better luck, and I continue to enjoy very much the way my kids (especially Liam) devours fruits and vegetables.  Red peppers, tomatoes, peaches, apples, & pickles to name just a few!
  6. We have our vacation coming up soon and in addition to some technical reading I need to get done I am very much looking forward to some pleasure reading.  My to-read pile has grown very big and am hoping to make a good dent.
  7. They are calling for rain here today ~ praying that if you are in a part of the country in need, some falls your way soon.
Please visit Conversion Diary for the rest of this weeks Quick Takes!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday: August 9th

  1. The chance to gather with friends and family to celebrate a family birthday.
  2. Good sportsmanship far outweighing the bad at the Olympics.
  3. Cuddly littles!
  4. A husband who knows when I need a good laugh.
What are you giving thanks for today?