Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Quick Takes #127

  1. Was unable to watch the third (and final) episode of our lovely hosts show Minor Revisions.  So was very happy to read that all the episodes are available online here.  Happy Dance!
  2. As I am struggling a bit for Lenten activities to do with the kids I was happy to find this list at call me happy: 40 lenten things to do with your kids
  3. Having been told a few times over the last couple of weeks that 'something is not right about my room' by Lisbeth, decided in anticipation of her upcoming birthday to try and fix that.  Here's hoping the new 'no bad dreams allowed' sheets and rug help correct the hard-to-define problem with staying in her bed all night.
  4. Shameless plug, my youngest sister has started a blog largely to share her experiences as a newly published author. Head, if you would, over and welcome her to blogosphere.
  5. Kid Quote of the Week courtesy of Lisbeth: princess+butterfly=fairy
  6. 6 weeks postpartum and so could start excising again, bears carefully consideration ~ perhaps until spring.
  7. All week Lisa Jo, the gypsy mama has been running a wonderful series about the wonderful unexpected things that make the most potent memories of our moms; culminating today in a very special 5 minute friday.
Have a wonderful weekend ~ and please head over to Jen's for the rest of the round-up.

1 comment:

  1. Spring is the perfect time to take up new exercise! ;)
