Sunday, December 30, 2018

Quick Book Post as the Year Closes

     In 2018 I challenged myself to read 30 books and in the end read 42.  For this coming year I think I'm going to go with 35 as a goal as I have a couple long reads planned.  In addition to again taking the Modern Mrs Darcy reading challenge I'm also going to join the Catholic Lit challenge hosted by Haley of Carrots for Michaelmas.  Allowing for some overlap I should hopefully be able to strike a good balance between reading for fun and stretching my reading muscles.

    Some favorites from the past year were The War that saved My Life and its sequel, Sprig Muslin, and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.  I also revisited a couple of favorites and found them as wonderful as I remembered.

What were some of your favorite reads of the year?

Summary for 2018

Books Read: 42
Fiction: 29  // Non-Fiction: 13
Kindle Books: 13  // Paper Books: 29  // Rereads: 8


  1. Looking forward to your upcoming updates on Goodreads & the blog!

  2. I completed 47 of my goal of 45. This year I would like to read some longer and more substantial ones so I'm actually setting a goal of 25 for 2 per month plus one to grow on. I really loved My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray this year.
