Monday, August 23, 2010

Pregnant Pause: 37 weeks

When I was pregnant with Lisbeth since we chose to wait for birth day to find out if it was a boy or girl joining our family we called the baby Peanut and continuing the tradition we have been calling this baby Cashew. Well it turns out that Cashew is a bit of a peanut! The ultrasound today showed that while the placenta and fluid level looks fine that baby is on the small side ~ 10 th percentile (granted an ultrasound estimate).
So the plan is starting today to do weekly NSTs (monitoring the baby's heartbeat without the stress of contractions) and while no official bedrest trying to rest & eat in the hopes of helping the baby get a bit bigger before his or her birthday.
Overall grateful for all the kicks and squirms despite the related increase in heartburn and while obviously a challenge with an active toddler to keep up with, there are definitely tougher recommendations to follow than eat well and rest. Bring on the ice cream!


  1. Praying for you and your cashew/peanut. Enjoy some good full-fat ice cream! :)

  2. I hope all is well for your little cashew and he or she starts growing from all that ice cream. You could always try my favorite go to pregnancy foods: Pat's cheesesteak with whiz and a mocha frappuchino from Starbucks. If those don't add a little weight to Cashew, I'm not sure what will. Of course, both of those options will probably give you more heartburn.

  3. Good to hear that even though your little nut is tiny, he or she is healhty! Have fun eating the ice cream- I'm praying my doctor doesn't make me stop! It's getting so close for both of us!!!

  4. Maybe it is the baby who needs to go on bed rest and stop kicking and squirming and burning up all the calories! ;-) I'm glad that s/he seems healthy though small and hope that your ice cream will do the trick and you'll get good news next week.

  5. Rest + eating well sounds like a stellar prescription. I hope NSTs go great! And remember, Owen measured small (so did Elise) and he was FAR from undersized at birth...
