Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Small Successes: New Baby Style

- Both kids have been bathed this week!
- Thank notes have been purchased.
- Jaundice level down, bili-blanket returned
Giving Thanks this Thursday for:
a healthy growing baby boy
a happy big sister full of sweetness
help and support from dear friends
hands-on grandmothers
loving husband who keeps me smiling
Grace abundant and Love everlasting!!
Please visit Faith and Family Live to celebrate your own successes, small and otherwise!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ten on Tuesday: September 21st

1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed?
Chant 'okay' to myself under my breath over and over
2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?
Went to a very bizarre musical!!
3. What cleaning supply could you not live without?
Clorox (or similar) wipes
4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside?
Another 2-3 years
5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all?
6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for?
7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people?
8. What’s the weather like around you today?
Sunny and low 70's
9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read?
Love in the time of Cholera
10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow?
My favorite toddler's sunglasses
Please visit Roots and Rings hosted by Jansen's mom for the other's take of this week's questions
Friday, September 17, 2010
QUICK Quick Takes Vol. #62

- Baby boy born after a somewhat rocky induction of labor ~ but all's well that ends well!
- 6 lbs 2 ozs ~ smaller than his sister by an ounce, but no where as small as feared
- Liam Charles Pierre ~ named for his dad, grandfather, several great-grandfathers and himself
- Lack of growth issue explained went the placenta delivered and we discovered that rather than the cord inserting in middle as it should ~ it was off to the side and partially just on membrane
- Re-entry at home going well as is breastfeeding
- Big sister very sweet and interested in giving kisses. Inside voice ~ still a work in progress.
- Plans for the weekend ~ family visitors, visit to the pediatrician, and more getting to know this sweet little boy.
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest this weeks round-up.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Quick Takes Vol. #61

- As the expression goes; Still here and still pregnant! Am actually in a good place mentally where I am looking forward to one last weekend with my little family of 3 (and half)
- In addition to cooking and toddler taming ~ my mother-in-law is a wonderful gardner ~ and has already weeded my flower beds and gotten mums and winter pansies planted for me. Wow!!
- Allowing for the likely possibility that I will make it to my induction date next week ~ I'm trying to figure out how superstitious I am. Conclusion: As someone who hates horror films I'm going to have a tough time with Friday the 13th references ~ but overall the idea of Cashew having a birthday on the 13th ~ Good by me!
- Back to school pictures: Cute outfits + brand new backpacks + nervous smiles= Great cuteness!!
- The anticipation of new baby is clearly spreading; C. for whom it takes a lot to rattle admitted to waking to many of my shifts last night wondering if perhaps contractions were starting.
- Childhood milestone: In a Big Sister care package E. received PlayDoh!!! Her first impression was Very Favorable!!
- Plans for the weekend: Time with family, while keeping the anxiety about upcoming labor and birth experience to a minimum.
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this weeks Quick Take round-up!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Pregnant Pause: 39 weeks, tales from the sofa
Quick update: All seems to be well and providing that the NST is reactive (aka reassuring) tomorrow I believe we will be cleared to see if labor starts on its own during the week ~ if not see what a little help brings next week.
I am fine and managing to ride the emotional roller coaster of wondering and worrying about the future well (I think). My favorite toddler offers several opportunities a day to smile and laugh, and the squirms and kicks from within give me hope that all is well if not perfect in his/her watery home. I also appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers from friends and family. After Mass yesterday a priest I like and have worked with for several years blessed C. and me.
So my hope is that the testing all looks fine tomorrow and then my plan is to relax and best I can enjoy this last week of parenting one child on the outside and holding within me another.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Small Successes: September 2nd

- Created and uploaded online album of our August vacation pictures so that friends and family can enjoy.
- Reorganized and purged the freezer to make room for the frozen blessings sent to us from family.
- Am getting better at accepting offers of help and letting someone else chase the toddler.
Giving Thanks this Thursday:
the baby appears healthy enough to stay put till due date (if he/she wants)
the abundance of good thoughts and prayers being offered by friends and family
wonderful hugs and smiles offered by my favorite toddler
the calm and strong reassurance of my husband
yummy food made and shared by friends and family
God's ever present and inexhaustible love and grace.
Please visit Faith and Family Live to share your successes; small or otherwise
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