- As the expression goes; Still here and still pregnant! Am actually in a good place mentally where I am looking forward to one last weekend with my little family of 3 (and half)
- In addition to cooking and toddler taming ~ my mother-in-law is a wonderful gardner ~ and has already weeded my flower beds and gotten mums and winter pansies planted for me. Wow!!
- Allowing for the likely possibility that I will make it to my induction date next week ~ I'm trying to figure out how superstitious I am. Conclusion: As someone who hates horror films I'm going to have a tough time with Friday the 13th references ~ but overall the idea of Cashew having a birthday on the 13th ~ Good by me!
- Back to school pictures: Cute outfits + brand new backpacks + nervous smiles= Great cuteness!!
- The anticipation of new baby is clearly spreading; C. for whom it takes a lot to rattle admitted to waking to many of my shifts last night wondering if perhaps contractions were starting.
- Childhood milestone: In a Big Sister care package E. received PlayDoh!!! Her first impression was Very Favorable!!
- Plans for the weekend: Time with family, while keeping the anxiety about upcoming labor and birth experience to a minimum.
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this weeks Quick Take round-up!
What a sweet MIL! Thoughts and prayers as the day approaches!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! And I must echo E.--what a great MIL! :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteWandered over from Conversion Diary and had to comment because I'm due with Baby #3 on Sunday. Always fabulous to meet other expectant mothers :)
ReplyDeleteHere's to a lovely weekend, and blessings to you on Baby's birth day!
Joy!! i had the same *strange* feeling about E being born on the 13th!! Ha! You're not alone :)(& i'm not supersticious either...) He was born at 11:10pm & i was so hoping i'd make it to Valentines day :) hehe. So exciting...