Friday, September 17, 2010

QUICK Quick Takes Vol. #62

  1. Baby boy born after a somewhat rocky induction of labor ~ but all's well that ends well!
  2. 6 lbs 2 ozs ~ smaller than his sister by an ounce, but no where as small as feared
  3. Liam Charles Pierre ~ named for his dad, grandfather, several great-grandfathers and himself
  4. Lack of growth issue explained went the placenta delivered and we discovered that rather than the cord inserting in middle as it should ~ it was off to the side and partially just on membrane
  5. Re-entry at home going well as is breastfeeding
  6. Big sister very sweet and interested in giving kisses. Inside voice ~ still a work in progress.
  7. Plans for the weekend ~ family visitors, visit to the pediatrician, and more getting to know this sweet little boy.
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest this weeks round-up.


  1. Congratulations on the birth of Liam. What a great name!

  2. Congratulations! I can't believe you're doing blog visits!

  3. Love the name! Have a wonderful weekend with your family!!

  4. I've decided that placentas are freaky, freaky things. ;-)

    Congrats on re-entry! Best wishes all around.

  5. "Inside voice ~ still a work in progress." Ah, that says so much. :-)Congratulations again. And I am glad that Liam managed to grow well enough, despite cord issues! Some things you don't want to know until you know that everything is okay!

  6. I'm so glad that re-entry and breastfeeding are going well! Congratulations again on your sweet little guy. :)

  7. Congratulations on your baby boy!

  8. Congratulations!! You're both beautiful :).

    LOL, I love #6 :-D.
