Thursday, December 9, 2010

Small Successes: December 9th

  1. Holiday photo shoot done, with a couple of good shots (I hope).
  2. Christmas cards bound for overseas mailed and the rest working their way out
  3. Advent wreath out ~ Advent calendar started

Giving thanks this Thursday for:
the new day
a little girl in her princess dress
a little boy who smiles at me more everyday
a husband to lean on and laugh with
coffee and scones on the tough days
Mary who said Yes, and teaches me to
that I am forever loved and forgiven if I but seek

Please visit Faith and Family Live and share your successes small and otherwise.


  1. Great week. I love your "giving thanks". So true. and YAY for a good picture, always such a relief. God bless!

  2. Great successes. I need to address and mail out our Christmas cards today. I've been slacking.
