Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick takes 95: Style edition

  1. Having enjoyed the wonderful posts on personal style by Elizabeth of That Married Couple and Lauren of Magnify the Lord ~ and being a happy follower of Betty Beguiles for many months ~ I thought it was time I took a look at my closet.
  2. Given that in the past four years there has been pregnancies, nursing time, and the loss of about thirty pounds this inventory is long overdue ~ and so inspired by those who have inspired me (like my logic) I promise to get rid of what does not fit or does not flatter.  As 'me time' is limited this will  most likely take a couple of weeks but I figured the change of seasons will help as I will be looking at much of what I own in the semi-annual wardrobe shift.
  3. Also given that 'me time' is elusive there is not a lot of time in the morning for outfit selection so paring down and building a closet of pieces that work for me and work together really appeals ~ and while definitely still an evolving concept I have, thanks to my reading, a sense of the image as full-time mom, part-time nursing instructor, and all the time me; I want to convey to the world. 
  4. Footwear: I have of late definitely settled into a uniform of ease and functionality as a mom with a nursling and an active toddler but one area where I've enjoyed having some fun is footwear. I had great luck this summer finding a couple pairs of cute flats ~ and am now hoping to replicate that same style boost from two new pairs of boots ~ one from the lovely Sarah of Fumbling toward Grace, and one I picked up this week.

5. Skirts: One day earlier this summer I suggested a dress to Lisbeth and she declined pointing out that  we were not going to church ~ and I explained that we could wear skirts and dresses even on non-church days, but also know that if I wanted her to really believe me I would have to model that ~ and besides I love skirts and have picked up a couple heavier weight ones for autumn and winter.

6. Reality: I'm terrible at purging and most days you will most likely find me in jeans and my black clogs (and maybe even a hoodie) but I am so excited and inspired about all that I'm learning about developing a personal style

7. Yup that's me ~ a mom with a bit of style!

Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this weeks Quick Takes


  1. Love this! I need help too :( Like you said between being pregnant, nursing, gaining weight and losing weight I have a TON of clothes now that don't fit. I have no idea what to keep and what to purge! It's not easy, but it's fun to take care of ourselves and try to spruce ourselves up a bit. Good luck!

  2. I end up in workout clothes most days! This is something I really need to more on too!

  3. Oh, I'm so excited for you! I hope you have fun doing this. I'm jealous you have some heavier skirts - I only have two and one of those is like two sizes too big!

    And I LOVE that picture of you and Lisbeth! Every time I see it on facebook it makes me happy :) It's really beautiful.
