Hard as it is to believe it has been a year since my merry munchkin joined our family
Though I remember Elisabeth being quite verbal at a year Caitlin imitates and 'sings' more than I remember either of the older two. Similar to Liam, she is in no great hurry to get moving and is only now consistently crawling ~ and an army crawl at that.
3 months |
Largely a good sleeper, she nurses most of the way to sleep, sleeps in her crib till between 5-6 when I bring her into our bed for a feeding after which she often sleeps till 8 ~ 9 if not woken by her siblings. If able she naps twice a day; around 11 am and 3 p.m. but bless her heart if we are on the run ~ she will nap on the run.
6 months |
An excellent eater, she would be completely on table food but for me finishing up our stock of pureed. Will tire of some foods quickly but truly can't think of a food she won't try for a few bites. Favorites: Yogurt, pizza crusts, and apple sauce. Introducing a sippy cup was a complete non-event as she immediately mastered it without any difficulty.
9 mo |
Her easy-going nature serves her well with the not always gentle but always sincere loving from her big brother and sister. As long as she is not being forced to endure a long car ride in the dark ~ she is pretty much up for anything.
So here's to the newest 1 year old on the block!!