Friday, October 17, 2014

1 down ~ 1 up: October 17

1 down:
      A neck injury from a couple months ago reared its annoying head this week and is proving to be the greatest 'pain in the neck' at night when it wakes me and than makes it difficult to get back to sleep.
1 up:
   The brief warm-up allowed for such lovely activities this week such as reading outside and a taking a quick trip out to Valley Forge for a walk with Caitlin while the big kids were in school.

Extra happy note: Despite raining on & off all last weekend it didn't Saturday evening so we were able to go to Oktoberfest at Lisbeth's school where Lisbeth and Liam had a wonderful time and Caitlin rode the merry-go-round for the first time and had such a good time that she rode it two more times!!

Now please head over to Chrystina Noel for more of this week's round-up.


  1. Aw love this. I remember being shocked when I got to Munich and found out that Oktoberfest was actually a pretty family-oriented event with all the rides, because that's definitely not the visual that we get over here. Also, at least you get to make a pun with your down. That's pretty cool at least. Hope you're feeling better soon! And thanks for linking up!

  2. Hope your neck is feeling better soon!
