Thinking about...
How to make Charlie's birthday special; he is a very modest low-key person so I know something elaborate would embarrass him but as it is a milestone birthday attention must be paid. Caitlin has her first dentist appointment yesterday which has also been very much on my mind. We thought we had finally found a good pediatric dentist and she has recently left the practice so starting over is frustrating but the new one seemed very nice; time will tell.
Excited for...
my nephew/godson's First Communion! Looking forward to spending time celebrating with family and getting party ideas for next year when it will be Lisbeth. The only downside is that I won't be able to attend the CWBN Mid-Atlantic conference. Will be stalking the Instagram accounts of the attendees!!
Short and 3/4 sleeve shirts as the weather has been warm but very windy. Jeans most days but am doing better about breaking out the skirts more often. (Note to self: must take more selfies or hand off the camera more)
Forsythias, lavender, and phlox, oh my!! It is a big yard so I need to pace myself and am likely done till fall; excepting a couple of tomato plants.
My view...

North and South; slowly but steadily. Excited to start Erin's Ring by Laura of String of Pearls and Them by my youngest sister Carey Heywood very soon.
Salsa Chicken and Quiche Lorraine with the last of the Easter ham.
The kids...
Enjoying the better weather and more time outside playing.
Elisabeth is reading more and more; still wanting to know all she can about dinosaurs. Loves her gymnastics class, playing secret agents with Liam, house with Caitlin, and with her Legos or Calico Critters when she needs some alone time.
Liam is becoming more and more interested in Super Heroes though Transformers still reigns supreme and having recently learned a new series Robots in Disguise I don't see that ending anytime soon. He is becoming a bigger boy everyday but stills looks for some serious snuggling for the world goes sideway on him.
Caitlin or rather Princess Caitlin is very found of dresses and dancing currently. While she still snuggles Sophia and Amber at bedtime when allowed some screen time is requesting Mickey&Minnie much of the time.
What are you cooking/reading/growing? I'd love suggestions!