- Snow on and off all week have made for pretty views but no loss of school and not too bad clean-up wise. Temperature wise winter is definitely settling back in this weekend.
- Lent plans are coming together; alms wise I'm hoping to complete 40 bags in 40 days again and will be staying open to other giving opportunities. Prayer-wise I'm using the devotional journal offered by Blessed is She.
- Ana of Times Flies offers this wonderful post on motherhood during this season; so in shorthand I'm going to giving up being annoyed at the interruptions which comes with loving and living with littles.
- Nancy of Do Small Things post offers a wonderful list of different ideas for Lent. Hoping to focus on one from each category ~ maybe picking a new one each week.
- I'm also participating again with #holylens on Instagram hosted by Abbey of Surviving Our Blessings.
- Lisbeth and Liam both came home from school with a checklist of ideas for during Lent ~ so beyond completing the pathway from Catholic Icing and meatless Fridays I'm currently hanging back and letting them decide how they want to approach Lent.
- Charlie and I are presenting at a Pre-Cana tomorrow; I've come to really appreciate these chances to meet with young people and discuss ideas and goals for how to build a strong marriage.
Please head over to Kelli's for more 7QT's
We're definitely in winter mode this weekend, too, with frigid temps. And that Lenten pathway is such a cute idea!