Monday, July 5, 2010

Pregnant Pause: 30 weeks

Amazingly according to the calendar I am now 30 weeks with less than 70 days to baby debut according the countdown in the side-bar. Personally I'm guessing slightly more as Lisbeth decided (with a bit of nudging) to come ten days after my due date; so odds are good that I will again see another due date come and go ~ thought perhaps not by ten days again.
Movements are becoming more vigorous with Cashew making use of all the space available and no longer quite so focused on my bladder and hips though they continue as the favorite kick points. We have also been able to begin playing the "Guess with body part?" game as different small and large knobs make their way across and up & down my abdomen.
Consistent temperatures in the nineties inching towards the hundred mark has allowed me to fully appreciate pregnancy in the summer. Luckily an air conditioned house and plenty of lemonade and ice cream has helped me maintain my perspective and keep the Braxton Hicks contractions to a minimum.
Beginning to make inroads in preparing for baby's arrival; stored newborn clothes bins have been retrieved if not sorted and newborn size diapers have been bought. Midwife visits scheduled for July and most of August. We continue to read 'new baby' books at bedtime though I have my doubts that Lisbeth will fully understand the concept until a certain new person comes to live in our house.

The view from thirty weeks.

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