- Last weekends trip to visit my family in VA was very successful with E. traveling well and having fun playing with her cousins, who no longer consider her a baby ~ partly because there is now a new baby and partly because she now joins in their games.
4. My trip allowed me to miss the big wind/hail storm which came thru a week ago. We lost power for about twenty hours (which seems to be the average; with some people never losing power and some just recently getting it back). Amazingly the only real damage we sustained was the cracking of one of our skylights cover domes.
6. The storm blew down many of my growing tomatoes but a few were spared for my first official harvest of homegrown produce. Yay!!
7. Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy July 4th weekend!!Please visit The Conversion Diary to enjoy the rest of this week's Quick Takes round-up
I'm glad that some of your tomatoes were spared. Fresh tomatoes are the best.