- Tonight I am attending the graduation ceremony for the school where I teach. I am so excited the see the students again (I only teach fall semester) and celebrate with them as they achieve this remarkable goal and begin their nursing career.
- My nursing education has been the springboard to many wonderful & different jobs, I have worked as a floor nurse, visiting nurse, nurse-midwife, lactation support, childbirth educator, staff education, telephonic nursing and currently as a clinical instructor.
- As Elisabeth becomes more steady, she is also becoming more adventurous. Walking up to random people at the playground and saying "Hi"
- Having not yet learned about personal space, she stood gazing expectantly at an older child ( I think she was hoping to hold hands crossing a somewhat wobbly bridge) until that child called out to her father "She keeps looking at me!"
- Signed up this week for a water class with E. Our summer vacations center around the ocean and pools again this year so I wanted to start to introduce her to being a body of water bigger than a bathtub. Plus it just sounds like fun!
- Car-trips always seem to be wonderful talking opportunities for DH and me. Chatting about current events we also seem to reconnect, resolve minor injuries and sort out priorities going forward.
- Weekend plans: working on some home improvement projects and enjoying the visit of friends.
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