1. Favorite book(s) when you were a child and why? Young child : Little Bear, first book I remember being able to read to myself
Older child: Anne of Green Gables, I read it when I was twelve and fell in love with the characters and the amazing descriptions of Prince Edward's Island.
2. First “grown-up” book you remember reading (i.e. written for adolescents or with adult themes, such as The Outsiders or Catcher in the Rye).
Actually I think "The Outsiders" in junior high
3. Favorite movie that came from a book (even if you didn’t read the book and just love the movie).
Sense and Sensibility, could not make all the way through the book but love the Emma Thompson rendition.
4. Movie that you loved so much that you WISHED there was a book out so that you could find out more about the movie.
Shadowlands , " A Grief Observed" is the story of how he dealt with her death but I wish there were a book of their meeting and falling in love. BTW them being C.S. Lewis and his wife Joy Grisham.
5. Worst book you’ve ever read?
Blocked it from memory, not sure if it is the worse but another book I just could not make through was "Mists of Avalon". Not bad just found it depressing to the point of evil; but was also trying to read it at a tough period in my life, should maybe try again some day.
6. Book that everyone raves about that you either a) haven’t read and feel slightly dumb for not having read it or b) have tried to read and hated and so feel slightly dumb that everyone is getting something you don’t.
"Love in the time of Cholera"; don't get what all the fuss is about.
7. If you were forced to choose only 3 books that you could read for the rest of your life, which ones would they be? (Or if you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 books would you want there with you?).
The Bible, Cloister Walk, A Christmas Wedding
8. Name one book that if you could recommend that everyone you know read, what is it?
I recommend that all newlyweds read "A Two-Part Invention", a beautiful book Madeleine L'Engle wrote about marriage and life in general.
9. What is your “guilty pleasure” reading?
Romances, especially Regency
10. What book (excepting the Bible or other major document of your religion/faith) has changed your outlook on life the most?
"Cloister Walk" or "Amazing Grace" both by Kathleen Norris
My thanks as always to Chelsea of Roots and Rings for hosting, please visit and enjoy others take of these questions