- Went peach picking yesterday with a good friend. Great fun was had by all, along with gratitude from the adults in the crowd for the ability to get farm fresh produce so close to home.
- Ever adding to her vocabulary the word "pull" was added yesterday. Upon picking her first peach we told Elisabeth to pull hard. She then proceeds to repeat the process by walking up to every new peach and saying "PULL"

4. Headed to Maine for vacation. Still a lot to do, lot to pack though I do notice a general lessening in the level of stress as compared to last year almost a if traveling with a child has become something I feel I know how to do, almost.
5. What a difference a year makes. Miss Elisabeth on the beach last year:

6. I have always loved pictures and photo albums, baffling my grandmother on vacations at their place by looking at the same photo albums over and over again. But now that I have a daughter and nieces and nephews that insist on continuously growing and changing my gratitude to capture time just a little increases even more.

Enjoy all the excellent Quick takes at Conversion Diary hosted by Jen