Thursday, October 22, 2009

Small Successes:October 22nd

  1. Sweaters swapped for shorts and t-shirts and the ensuing chaos cleaned up (nearly)
  2. Mid-term grades done and turned in!
  3. Candy bought and ready for Halloween
Giving thanks today for:
a beautiful niece born this day seven years ago
a lovely and loving sister whose birthday was yesterday
a strong and supportive relationship with both my sisters
sunny days to be spent in the pumpkin patch and playground
a husband to lean on and laugh with
grace abounding and love unceasing

Read more small successes and share your own at Faith and Family Live


  1. Hi Joy! I found your site through Faith and Family Live! Great successes! I look forward to visiting again.
    Have a great week!

  2. Will you still have candy left in time for Halloween??? I know I wouldn't!
