Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy New (liturgical) Year!!

Having enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving with delicious food enjoyed with family as warm, happy memories are shared and new memories are made. I now turn my attention to Advent and preparing my home and myself for Christmas.
Advent begins today and as I was setting up our Advent wreath and thinking about the other preparations I would make this week both inwardly and outwardly I could not help to wonder about the preparations Mary and Joseph must have made for their journey.
Outwardly they would need transportation and provisions for the journey, probably offerings for the census officials and rabbis. But what about inwardly, did Mary anticipate that she would deliver while away? Did they sense that they were leaving their home for many years? What prayers did they offer?

Happy Advent! Let us journey together to Bethlehem!

1 comment:

  1. When advent comes, i can hardly keep my thoughts from floating forward to resurrection... God is so good to us.
