Friday, November 13, 2009

Quick Takes vol #37

  1. New trick for dealing with my increasingly picky eater; load up her high-chair tray, give her a sp-ork and walk away (aka do something else in the kitchen). Apparently when no-one is prompting her to eat and she is allowed feed herself as messily as she would like she is hungry.
  2. Yummy beef stew for dinner last night; definitely stew & soup season!
  3. Want it to stop raining
  4. Fun with pronouns: After being chased a few times during which someone probably said something to the effect of "Gonna get you", Elisabeth now shouts while running "Gonna get me"
  5. Now that she has a growing understanding of the concept HOT, have been offering sips of my drinks; so far warm apple cider and chai. She seemed to enjoy both and I bet she might enjoy hot chocolate with plenty of whipped cream of course.
  6. Have ordered and received photo cards- now the dilemma: Christmas Letter or no?? Opinions welcomed!
  7. Plans for the weekend: Yard-work (if the rain ever stops) and grading
Please visit Conversion Diary to enjoy other Quick Takes hosted by the wonderful Jen


  1. Fully agree about the rain!

    We've been having lots of soup, lately, too. So comforting...

    I love Christmas letters, but they can be tedious to write. Do one if you can work it in, but don't stress about it. That's my opinion! :)

  2. I love to hear how people are doing, especially when friends are separated by several states. =) But I say it's up to you: if writing a letter will be fun and make you feel accomplished and connected and all, then go for it. If it will add to a pile of holiday stress, skip it. Above all, don't feel you owe any card or letter or whatever to anyone: do what you can and do what you enjoy. =)

  3. One item on my 101 in 1001 list is to send a Christmas letter. Now that it's time, I have NO idea what I would write.

    Dear friends and family,
    Just read the blog.
