Friday, October 18, 2013

Quick Takes #145

  1. It is early days yet but so far Operation Crib; aka moving Caitlin to the crib is going well.  Liam & she are going to sleep well at essentially the same time and he is not waking up when I get for her early morning feeding.
  2. Another family milestone this week; Lisbeth lost her first tooth.  Having been given tooth keepsake box she declined a visit from the Tooth Fairy for this first tooth saying that the Tooth Fairy can have the rest but this first one she wanted to keep.
  3. Marathon day Saturday with us attending a wedding during the morning, speaking at Pre-Cana in the afternoon and taking the kids to the Carnival at Lisbeth's school in the evening.  It was exhausting but good.  The kids did really well at the wedding and had fun at the reception and a BLAST at the carnival ~ echoing Jen's excellent point earlier this week "the days are hard, but these years are so, so blessed."
  4. Two shout-outs for Culture of Life; 1) not only were we encouraged to bring the kids to the wedding/reception, the older two kids were included in the seating arrangement and found goodie bags at their seats.  2) We brought Caitlin with us to Pre-Cana and another of the speaking couples also brought their daughter.  The engaged couples not only did not mind the disruption but actually thanked us for bringing them.
  5. Am starting to lose steam with posting everyday (actually missed yesterday) but hoping to catch-up the 31 days this weekend and maybe even finish strong.
  6. With Valley Forge Park open again (and a jammed pack Saturday) I with my little hikers will be headed there today to take part in the Little Flower Run.  Good luck to my fellow runners!
  7. Have a Good Weekend!
Head over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes


  1. What a great idea on the tooth! Wish I'd thought of that...

  2. That gap-toothed smile is adorable! How cute that she wanted to keep the tooth :)
